Did you gain weight during Covid
like I did and many of my clients, then keep reading!

Sue Oliver
The Weightloss Magician
I help women over 40, shrink their waistline,
take their health back,
stop dieting and Lose weight effortlessly
I Slowly Started Gaining Weight!!
Hi, I’m Sue Oliver and I’m an expert in helping you lose weight. I specialise in emotional eating.
Did you gain weight during Covid?
I found I needed to get out of the house.
My partner and I fell into a daily pattern.
A takeaway coffee and a muffin.
We would sit and enjoy being outside by a local lake.
It was the saviour of my mental health and my coping mechanism, but it did have an unwelcome side effect.
Extra kilos sitting on my waistline!
As clients began returning to my healing centre they too were struggling with weight issues, some short-term and some long-term.
They were depressed and felt helpless, and I really wanted to help them, and lose weight myself.
In the past, whenever I have had a client with something I didn’t have a therapy or technique to help them,
I would go looking for the answer.
This time was no different.
I sought out a world leader in the latest techniques to lose weight effortlessly and permanently,
I became a Certified Weight Loss Coach.
I thought I was signing up to learn new tools to help my clients.
I quickly realised the processes I had learnt impacted me.
My whole relationship with food, and myself, changed, as did my weight!
- I stopped craving chocolate
- I healed past experiences
- I became aware of my own hunger/fullness cues
- I changed old eating patterns
I began sharing these techniques with my Energy Healing Clients
I developed a 12-session Weight Loss Program that will enable you to lose weight effortlessly without dieting.
Would you like to feel motivated, supported and encouraged during your weight loss journey?
- Do you cringe every time you look in the mirror, are you unhappy with what you see, has your body been steadily gaining weight?
- Is it time to get your body back and feel comfortable in your body?
- Are you tired of dieting and ready to free yourself of dieting forever?
- Is being overweight causing you to feel stuck and unsure what to do because you have tried everything?
- Does food control you? Is your mind always thinking about food?
- Do you feel stuck, lack motivation, and hope?
- The bonus is, I have techniques to help you stop sabotaging yourself and move you out of being stuck and not knowing what to do into feeling motivated and excited about your weight loss journey.
For many years, I’ve carried a lot of anger about my childhood and found it hard to identify the true underlying trauma that was creating the anger. Sue gently guided me through a tapping experience that shifted the way I saw my stepfather; and I was finally able to release the anger.
Apart from Sue’s calming and authentic energy, Sue provided me with a safe space, free of judgment, where I felt comfortable being vulnerable, this allowed me to go deep into my trauma, all the while knowing, that I wasn’t alone, that Sue was right there holding that space for me.
After my first session, I was, hooked. I knew one thing I struggled with was emotional cravings and eating, binging on all the naughty stuff, and drinking way, too much alcohol. Sue asked me to bring the foods I craved the most to our next session. I haven’t touched any of the foods or alcohol since, all the bad cravings are gone. In fact, I’ve only chosen healthy foods and crave water, not alcohol!!.
I can’t thank Sue enough for all the things (weight loss blockers) she’s helped me work through, and the fact the changes occur so quickly. Sue you have changed my life and I’m so, truly, grateful. She truly is a weight loss magician!
What was the problem or result you wanted
to achieve before starting the Weight Loss Program?
My clients were just like you:
I wanted to lose weight, have more energy, and feel healthier in myself.
Renee October’22
I knew I needed to address my eating and movement; my goal was simply to be a healthy weight again. I had lost all confidence in myself and, I didn’t know what I really wanted. I just knew I needed something to change so I could take back control. I had no idea where to start.
Kathryn A October’22
I wanted to maintain a healthy weight.
Andrea October’22.
I am the Weight Loss Magician because I can really help you to lose weight and achieve your goals.
My program is available online or in person for clients living in Perth, Australia.
In my 12 week program, I share my top 12 secrets to free you from emotional eating,
helping you to lose weight effortlessly without dieting.
The Care For Yourself Weight Loss Program Will Help You
Rapidly change your relationship with food
Hi Sue,
Firstly, thank you – I have had two boxes of Pringles / Chips sitting in the box unopened, and with no desire to eat them.
This was during a stressful time (settling in and moving into my new home) and I cannot thank you enough for your help and guidance.
Clear past traumas and experiences specific to your personal story
I’ve been working with Sue to gently draw to the surface then heal old wounds holding me back from being the real me in my real life. Drinking and smoking was an escape tactic, I’d been using for over 20 years and was terrified of giving them up and feeling again. Sue intuitively guided me through this, particular barrier, in one session! I’d gone to hypnotherapy, the medical route, spent thousands on talk therapy, but working with Sue was the break-through and defining moment. Alcohol and cigarettes do not control me or my feelings anymore.
Thank you dear wonderful Sue
Stop craving foods, emotional eating or bingeing
Hi Sue,
My craving for chocolate is definitely less. I haven’t got chocolates in the house, so not getting tempted, but not getting any cravings either.
Uncover and release conscious and unconscious reasons your body is holding onto weight
I have been working with Sue and we are focusing on weight loss. It’s amazing how in a few sessions I can noticeably, see my food cravings and habits are starting to change. Sue is very good at what she does and is able to pin, point past events that has helped cause havoc to my weight. I know there is more to work through but I’m very excited for the journey and trust Sue completely.
Kathryn B
Rewire your brain so you lose weight permanently
Sue Oliver has been working with me to help me to lose weight, using EFT and a few other different tricks she has up her sleeve. It has been very emotional, but with Sue’s soft nurturing, caring nature it really allows you to let yourself be vulnerable so you can really get into those childhood pains, and be able to understand them on a new level so you can actually release them, so that the old patterns, addictions, beliefs all of that, you are able to just look at and go yeah I don’t want that any more so I would definitely recommend Sue to all my family and friends for anyone who wants to get to the bottom of their childhood healing.
Simone Baron
Sydney Australia
Breakthrough resistance to exercise and find genuine enjoyment in it
I struggled for as long as I can remember with emotional and binge eating. I would binge mostly in the evenings. I was unhappy with my body. I couldn’t understand why whenever I felt alone I would go for sweet foods and sabotage my diet over, and over again. I would have some success dieting, but it never lasted.
Since working with Sue I’ve realised that I have been using food instead of dealing with my emotions. Now I don’t have the impulse to binge, it has stopped. I can have chocolate in the house, but I don’t want it anymore.
Sue has helped me to heal the cause of my emotional eating.
Thank you Sue
Kiss goodbye to the diet mentality
It’s not the first time I’ve attempted to lose weight, but this time is different. What I’ve enjoyed about it, is getting to the core beliefs around food and my body. I hadn’t exercised for two years and now I am exercising regularly and enjoying it. My cravings have changed. I have started looking at my body differently. I have hope and a huge part of me knows that this is working and it’s the last time I’m going to have to do this.
Thank you so much Sue!
Canberra Australia
Fall in love with yourself again during or after menopause or perimenopause
I realised I was starting to develop beliefs around menopause and my body was changing. Sue has helped me to unpack and uncover limiting beliefs. The biggest change I felt was to be at ease with me, my body, and my life. The freedom I have, to step into this new stage of life is wonderful.
Thank you Sue!
Adelaide Australia
You Will:
- Feel confident in your body and yourself
- Feel more energised and happier and lighter in your body
- Wear the clothes you want to wear
- Feel in control of the food you eat
- Improve your relationships with others
- Stop craving sweet foods
- Be able to make different food choices
- Clear experiences that led to using food for comfort
- Feel balanced and happy in yourself
- Lose weight without dieting.
My clients had tried everything before starting the program.
I wanted to lose weight, have more energy, and feel healthier in myself.
Renee October ’22
I could lose weight using a diet, but I could never keep it off, I would fall back into old habits.
Andrea October ‘22
I had tried all different kinds of diets and exercise plans, with not much success.
I was unsure about trying another program, but it was different to the other programs that I had tried, a totally different approach.
After 12 months of bad health, stress, fear and no fitness, I hit my highest and most confronting weight, embarrassingly, I was heavier than being full term pregnant.
I felt uncomfortable, I couldn’t look at myself, I couldn’t fit into any of my clothes, I was breathless, unfit and unhappy.
I used food to supress my feelings and emotions. I didn’t make good choices and I didn’t care anymore.
I was starting to set off red flags in my blood tests. I didn’t want to use drugs to control my conditions.
I wanted to do it naturally and sustainably. I had lots of limiting beliefs and self-stories which held me in a cyclical pattern of lose weight using extreme methods and then put it all back on and more when I stopped.
Decades of yo-yo dieting looking for the magic diet which would solve all my issues.
I am a fussy eater and addicted to sugary treats.
I thought it was all my fault for not being strong enough or committed enough to stick to things for the long term.
Kathryn A October ‘22
Wouldn’t it be amazing to never have to worry about dieting ever again?
Clients lives changed!
I am eating healthier, exercising more, feeling better in myself. I was able to work on issues (weight blockers) that were holding me back from losing weight and from moving forward. My life has totally changed.
Renee October ‘22
The biggest change is feeling in control of what I eat, I don’t feel the urge or craving to eat things that I know aren’t food for maintaining my weight. Working on my core beliefs around my body, food and exercise are what have helped me the most. I have lost weight and I have only made a few changes to what I’m eating, and I am back exercising again. It feels good not having food and the way my body looks dictating my every waking thought.
Sue has been extremely supportive and encouraging even when I thought it wasn’t working.
Andrea July ‘22
The program uses Sue’s magic to create a new mindset. A mindset which is just what ‘you’ need, not a quick fix or a prescription or a diet. The program helps you develop new habits which are sustainable, you don’t feel like you are depriving yourself and it works.
The transformation builds on thoughts you already know, but for whatever reason have avoided or stopped listening to.
Sue uses her empathetic and gentle guidance to ask questions which open you up.
She gives you the words to tell yourself, words you didn’t know you wanted to hear.
I know the timing was right for me.
I made sure it was my number one goal. I made it my priority to see Sue each week and to do the work in-between sessions.
Don’t do this course if you are not committed or if you want Sue to do the work for you. It is your work to do, but Sue lovingly helps you to move through all the relevant modules as your guide. You need to be prepared to think differently and to face things you may not be expecting but the integration of the new thoughts and feelings is life changing in more ways than weight loss. You find yourself; you grow to love you again and that is where the magic lies, not the number on the scale, although it is a wonderful side effect of loving yourself and being able to develop healthy and sustainable habits. You will lose the weight in the way that is right for you.
Are you ready to lose weight effortlessly and permanently?
If you are ready …
- to invest in yourself
- resolve the underlying issues preventing you from losing weight,
- live the life you want to live
As easy as these techniques are, you will need to do the work.
Whilst it’s effortless, it’s not without discomfort.
In my experience, only those who are committed will follow through.
My Promise To You
I am here to work with you.
When you decide you are 100% invested,
I am here and ready for you.
I will support and encourage you during your weight loss journey.
I will be your official supporter and cheerleader to ensure you succeed.
I work with 6 new clients a month.
When we chat via zoom or in person I will help you to see how past experiences play a role in your food behaviour.
If you are a good fit, I will invite you to work with me!
I know that after we work together
– your weight issues will be a thing of the past!
Are you thinking about joining the program?
Of all the weight loss blockers, most people have at least 5 or all of them.
The unconscious weight blockers stop you from losing weight. All the weight blockers come from shocks or traumas you have experienced in your life.
We crave for foods that have a positive experience associated with them when we first had them.
They are the foods you can’t keep in the house because you will eat them.
Unconsciously we don’t want to go back to the time we first put on weight.
It could have been a divorce, sexual assault, when you broke up with someone. Our unconscious will do everything it can to stop us feeling those past traumas and food soothes us.
We are taught from an early age to eat everything on our plate
and that teaches us to never leave food on a plate even when we are full.
When we experience body boundary violation because someone has assaulted us or commented on our body,
we use food to soothe ourselves.
The household you grew up in will also impact you in the form of self-sabotage
and not understanding why you are doing it.
If you were a baby that went through the period, where mothers were taught
to let their babies cry themselves to sleep, you may not be able to go to sleep
without a full belly and the reason is the link between how you felt as a baby wanting food
and not having that need met.
During the WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM, we explore the weight blockers in relation to your life experiences
so that you can lose weight effortlessly without DIETING.
Video Testimonials
Hi Sue,
Firstly, thank you – I have had two boxes of Pringles / Chips sitting in the box unopened, and with no desire to eat them.
This was during a stressful time (settling in and moving into my new home) and I cannot thank you enough for your help and guidance.
Hi Sue, just jumped on the scales and I’m down 2.5kg! Trying to eat differently plus all the other work / cravings, tapping…. Thanks for your help!
Canberra Australia
I’ve been working with Sue to gently draw to the surface then heal old wounds holding me back from being the real me in my real life. Drinking and smoking was an escape tactic, I’d been using for over 20 years and was terrified of giving them up and feeling again. Sue intuitively guided me through this, particular barrier, in one session! I’d gone to hypnotherapy, the medical route, spent thousands on talk therapy, but working with Sue was the break-through and defining moment. Alcohol and cigarettes do not control me or my feelings anymore.
Thank you dear wonderful Sue
It’s not the first time I’ve attempted to lose weight, but this time is different. What I’ve enjoyed about it, is getting to the core beliefs around food and my body. I hadn’t exercised for two years and now I am exercising regularly and enjoying it. My cravings have changed. I have started looking at my body differently. I have hope and a huge part of me knows that this is working and it’s the last time I’m going to have to do this.
Thank you so much Sue!
Canberra Australia
For many years, I’ve carried a lot of anger about my childhood and found it hard to identify the true underlying trauma that was creating the anger. Sue gently guided me through a tapping experience that shifted the way I saw my stepfather; and I was finally able to release the anger.
Apart from Sue’s calming and authentic energy, Sue provided me with a safe space, free of judgment, where I felt comfortable being vulnerable, this allowed me to go deep into my trauma, all the while knowing, that I wasn’t alone, that Sue was right there holding that space for me.
After my first session, I was, hooked. I knew one thing I struggled with was emotional cravings and eating, binging on all the naughty stuff, and drinking way, too much alcohol. Sue asked me to bring the foods I craved the most to our next session. I haven’t touched any of the foods or alcohol since, all the bad cravings are gone. In fact, I’ve only chosen healthy foods and crave water, not alcohol!!.
I can’t thank Sue enough for all the things she’s helped me work through, and the fact the changes occur so quickly. Sue you have changed my life and I’m so, truly, grateful.
I have been working with Sue and we are focusing on weight loss. It’s amazing how in a few sessions I can noticeably, see my food cravings and habits are starting to change. Sue is very good at what she does and is able to pin, point past events that has helped cause havoc to my weight. I know there is more to work through but I’m very excited for the journey and trust Sue completely.
Hi Sue,
My craving for chocolate is definitely less. I haven’t got chocolates in the house, so not getting tempted, but not getting any cravings either.
Sue Oliver has been working with me to help me to lose weight, using EFT and a few other different tricks she has up her sleeve. It has been very emotional, but with Sue’s soft nurturing, caring nature it really allows you to let yourself be vulnerable so you can really get into those childhood pains, and be able to understand them on a new level so you can actually release them, so that the old patterns, addictions, beliefs all of that, you are able to just look at and go yeah I don’t want that any more so I would definitely recommend Sue to all my family and friends for anyone who wants to get to the bottom of their childhood healing.
Simone Baron
Sydney Australia
I realised I was starting to develop beliefs around menopause and my body was changing. Sue has helped me to unpack and uncover limiting beliefs. The biggest change I felt was to be at ease with me, my body, and my life. The freedom I have, to step into this new stage of life is wonderful.
Thank you Sue!
Adelaide Australia
I’ve always had a weight, issues from a young age and I would overeat. Food was controlling me. I was an emotional eater. Sue helped me realise that past events in my family were linked to my relationship with food. I was using food to soothe me. Sue is very good at what she does and is able to pin, point past events that has helped cause havoc to my weight. It’s been really, easy, a lot easier than I thought. I’ve had surgery on my stomach and because I didn’t deal with any of the issues the weight just came back on. I know there is more to work through but I’m very excited for the journey and trust Sue completely.
Canberra Australia
I struggled for as long as I can remember with emotional and binge eating. I would binge mostly in the evenings. I was unhappy with my body. I couldn’t understand why whenever I felt alone I would go for sweet foods and sabotage my diet over, and over again. I would have some success dieting, but it never lasted.
Since working with Sue I’ve realised that I have been using food instead of dealing with my emotions. Now I don’t have the impulse to binge, it has stopped. I can have chocolate in the house, but I don’t want it anymore.
Sue has helped me to heal the cause of my emotional eating.
Thank you Sue
Sue Oliver – The Weight Loss Magician

Certified Tapping For Weight Loss Coach